Access with SSH/rsync/BorgBackup

SSH / rsync / BorgBackup

You can access your Storage Box via an SSH connection to use rsync and BorgBackup there. Use port 23 to access your Storage Box for this purpose.

To create an SSH connection on your Storage Box, first activate the SSH support setting for your Storage Box via the Robot administration interface.

Important notes:

For SSH key authentication, you must save a public SSH key in normal OpenSSH format on your Storage Box. Do not save the key in RFC4716 format.

Only the directory /home/ is writable on the Storage Box. To address directories or files on the Storage Box, we therefore recommend that you use relative paths. For example, to download the file /server1/full_backup.tar.gz from the Storage Box, you can use the following file paths:


Interactive SSH access is not allowed.


With BorgBackup, you can save encrypted and duplicate backups of your Storage Box.


You can use rsync to synchronize the current state of your file directories to your Storage Box. For example, to synchronize a local directory to the Storage Box, you can use rsync as follows:

rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23' --recursive <local_directory> <username>@<username><target_directory>

To re-download a directory from the Storage Box, you only need to swap the directories:

rsync --progress -e 'ssh -p23' --recursive <username>@<username><remote_directory> <local_directory>

It is not possible to customize the user and group ID of the uploaded files.


You can also use SCP via port 23. To upload a file via SCP, you can execute the following command:

scp -P 23 <local_file> <username>@<username><remote_file>

To download the file again, you only have to swap the target and source files:

scp -P 23 <username>@<username><remote_file> <local_file>


Accessing your Storage Box via SFTP is similar to accessing it with an FTP client. To start an SFTP session, please execute the following command:

sftp -P 23 <username>@<username>

You can then upload files using put and download them using get. With ls, you get a directory listing:

sftp> put 100MB.file
Uploading 100MB.file to /home/100MB.file
100MB.file                           100%  100MB  78.7MB/s   00:01
sftp> ls -ahl
drwxr-xr-x    0 12345      12345     16B  Mar 28 10:55 .
dr-x--x--x    0 0          0         10B  Mar 27 12:16 ..
-rw-r--r--    0 12345      12345     100M Mar 28 11:34 100MB.file
sftp> get 100MB.file
Fetching /home/100MB.file to 100MB.file
/home/100MB.file                     100%  100MB 110.6MB/s   00:00
sftp> quit

SSH Host Keys

In order to ensure the authenticity of the connection, you can compare the host keys of the Storage Box with the keys below.

SHA256:XqONwb1S0zuj5A1CDxpOSuD2hnAArV1A3wKY7Z3sdgM (ED25519)
SHA256:RWkLouD9tfTwdboJOzjiWo5njZI59Hcta82ttAWxDA0 (DSA)
SHA256:oDHZqKXnoMtgvPBjjC57pcuFez28roaEuFcfwyg8O5c (ECDSA)
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